Water meters are important devices in our home, they are the ones that record the amount of water we use.
All buildings connected to the water supply system must have a water meter. Thanks to its readings, we can settle accounts with the water company. A water meter is a device used to automatically measure the amount of water flowing through it.
The most common water meter is the single-jet rotor mechanical water meter. The water meter is replaced every five years as standard. The water meter shall also be legalized every five years, i.e. official confirmation that it meets established standards.
Water meters are subject to wear
However, like any piece of equipment, it wears out over time and is prone to failures. In order to accurately measure water consumption, the meter must be operational and in good working order. No water meter is indestructible and each meter, after a certain period of use wears out, causing measurement errors.
If the owner of the installation has doubts about the correct operation of the equipment, the condition of the equipment should be checked. When, from month to month water meter reading radically different from previousconsumption, then it may mean that we should take an interest in the technical condition of the meter. A water meter failure is suspected whenever there is a sudden change in the amount of water consumption. An important factor in determining the accuracy of the measurement is also the condition of the water supply system.
Water meters, like any other device, can malfunction or wear out, which simply results in falsification of the results obtained by it. Any fault found should lead to its immediate replacement or orders implementation of the review.
What factors should water meters be protected against?
For the meter and the whole system to work properly, the water connections must be protected against damage. The most common causes of damage to water meters include:
Low temperature - The temperature at the water meter location must be above 4°C. This requires special measures to protect the connection against water freezing.
Unsuitable hydraulic conditions - ensure that the cross-section of the water mains and the direction of flow does not change upstream or downstream of the water meter location. It is also important to use non-return valves to prevent the reverse flow of water from cold to hot.
Flooding - If rainwater enters the water meter, damage may occur. Therefore, the unit must be installed inside the building or, if this is not possible, in a special water meter sump that protects the water meter set from adverse weather conditions.
Other risk factors include water and air temperatures too highThe meter must be installed in such a way that it is not subject to metering, electromagnetic interference or even intentional damage to the water system by third parties. The meter must be installed in a location that prevents unmeasured water consumption. It is also advisable to seal the joints on both sides of the water meter.