What to look out for when carrying out a sanitary installation?
When building or renovating a house, we want everything to be done precisely. Unfortunately, it is very often the case that we only pay attention to those elements that are visible. Those in which aesthetics play an important role, and we forget or downplay those that are invisible. Many people think that they can save a lot on concealed plumbing. This is a serious mistake.
Household plumbing plan
The first stage in the realisation of a domestic sanitary installation is the drawing up of an accurate plan for this installation. This is carried out by sanitary installation professionals who have knowledge and many years of experience.
It is estimated that sanitary installation accounts for 2% of the total construction cost in a single-family house. It is therefore hard to see this as a major burden on the overall construction budget. It is therefore not worth saving on such an element of the house's construction, which may be invisible but is critical to the proper functioning of the household. It is not difficult to imagine that the cost of a major renovation and the repair of sewer water damage will far exceed the amount saved. It is not worth saving on hygiene.

External PVC sewer pipe 315×9.2×2000 SN8 solid
The domestic plumbing system includes:
- internal sanitary installation - those drainage and sewerage components located inside the house,
- external sanitary installation - all parts of the sewerage network that are located outside the building.
There are two ways in which waste water is discharged from the outside of the domestic sanitary system:
- the installation can be connected to the general water and sewerage system (but on your property it is worth investing in the best possible solutions to avoid unpleasant surprises),
- the installation may discharge into a septic tank.
It should also be borne in mind that the external part of the sanitary installation should be properly connected to the installations that drain rainwater and are responsible for the drainage of the garden.

Scheme of internal sanitary installation in a single-family house
Components and materials of the domestic sewage network
The primary role of the internal drainage system in the home is to drain water from all sanitary appliances. For example, the bath, shower cubicle, washbasin or toilet bowl. When carrying out the domestic installation, it is also important to remember to maintain the correct gradients. This ensures that the waste water drains by gravity to the risers.
The elements of internal sanitary installation in the house are:
- risers, which may be terminated with an air admittance valve or a ventilation stack,
- approaches to individual sanitary appliances - their length should be as short as possible and their diameter should not be smaller than the outlet from the sanitary appliance,
- Horizontal waste pipes - collect sewage from the risers and discharge to the outside of the house (in houses with basements, they are run on top along the basement walls, while in buildings that do not have basements they are hidden under the floor on the ground) - connect the internal and external sewers.
Outer elbow PVC 200 67.5
Historically, for both outdoor and indoor installations, cast iron was the most commonly used material for sewer pipes and fittings. Nowadays, PVC - polyvinyl chloride - or PP - polypropylene - are usually used due to their high resistance to high and low temperatures.
Sanitary installation - quality and proven solutions
In order for the house drainage system to function properly, to prevent unpleasant odours from escaping from the pipes and for the pipes not to become clogged, it is not only necessary to ensure that the network components are positioned correctly and that gradients are maintained, but it is also worth investing in the best solutions. In the case of external drains, where sewer lines are connected to each other, the best solutions will work: PVC external T-piece 160 mm / 160 mm / 45 deg., PVC 110/110/67 external sewer tee.

PVC external T-piece 160 mm / 160 mm / 45 deg.
When building or renovating a house, it is important to ensure that the sanitary installation - the sewerage system - is carried out in the best possible way. There is no room for compromise here. Always use the best professionals, the highest quality materials and rely on proven solutions. Properly executed plumbing is something that we should never under any circumstances save money on. It is true that the sewage system is an invisible and perhaps aesthetically unpleasant part of the building. However, it has a key impact on its proper functioning.