The most difficult months are ahead of us in terms of road conditions. That is why, together with the Police, we decided to carry out a 'Safe Road to School' campaign in the surrounding primary schools.
This Friday at 11.00 a.m. we meet with students in grades 1-3 Primary School No. 2 in Plewiska. The next meeting is being organised on 24 October at 10.00am this time at the School Primary School in Chomęcice.
Whether you are big or small remember to make sure the cars avoid you!
The campaign aims to make children aware of the importance of wearing reflectors on the way to and from school after dark. Police officers will talk about the rules of the road. Of the more important topics, the rules for pedestrians on the road after dark and pedestrian crossings will be discussed. Children will also learn how to cycle safely and the rules for obeying traffic signs. Staff will also be speaking Greater Poland National Parkwho will tell the children about how to behave in the forest and about bird species. The meetings will also be hosted by employees of Provincial Road Traffic Centre, employees Municipal Council of Komorniki and employees Municipal Police.
After a talk with the officers, the children will be given packs containing an information leaflet to use as a lesson plan, colouring books related to road safety and reflectors. Through creative play, we want to encourage children to wear reflectors on their way to and from school. As a road user, especially after dark, it is good to be visible to passing cars. This applies to children and adults alike, which is why it is important to raise awareness of the benefits of wearing reflectors from an early age.
Benefits of wearing reflectors:
-fold increase pedestrian visibility and often save lives,
-Because of the reflectors you are safe on the road,
-reflectors minimise the risk of unfortunate incidents on the road
Did you know that...?
When you wear a reflector you are visible from up to 200 metres? A pedestrian without a visible reflector will only be spotted by a driver at 20,30 metres.
According to the law, anyone travelling on a road outside a built-up area after dusk is obliged to use reflective elements.
Reflectors are best placed on the back and front of the silhouette so that they are visible in the headlights of cars.
Let us remember that our safety, but also that of our children, depends to a large extent on us! That is why it is worth promoting safe behaviour on the road. We invite you to our FACE BOOKA , where you will soon be able to see coverage of the school meetings.
The action involves: