Water supply connections - joining technique Butt welding of pipes, or how it's connected. When it comes to supplying clean water to our homes and workplaces, the durability of water supply connections is crucial. To ensure ...
Połączenia rur
In systems made of metal pipes and fittings, one of the most common ways of joining pipes and fittings is by threaded connection. Threaded joints are simple to install, leak-proof and durable. To ...
Sealing pipes and threads is an important step in the work of an installer. Every installation should have a perfect seal. The sealing is not supposed to cause damage due to water or gas leaks. Depending on the...
Pipe connectionsElectrofusion welding
Joining pipes - which is best: threaded, welded or screwed?
via Specialist CetelPipes, made of various types of plastic: PEX, PP-R, PP and PE, can be joined in several different ways: by threading, welding, crimping and bolting. Here we suggest which...
Sewage accessoriesPipe connections
Plumbing fittings - do you know all their names and types?
via Specialist CetelPlumbing fittings are very important components of any water or sewerage network, in addition to pipes and fittings. They make it possible to connect individual elements of the water supply or sewerage network and also to change the direction of water flow....
Sewage accessoriesPipe connections
Packings or Teflon - two ways to seal pipes and threads
via Specialist CetelPackets or Teflon - which solution will prove better? In plumbing, as in other industries, everyone praises their own solution. When it comes to sealing pipes and threads, there are two...
The sealing of threaded joints in water supply systems should be thorough and robust. In order to achieve the best possible sealing effect on pipes with a threaded connection, sufficient force must be used to make a consistent and tight connection,...