One of the most difficult jobs is that of a Firefighter. They often risk their lives to save property and the lives of those affected by fires, but also floods and other natural disasters. In this article you will find out what kind of water fittings Firefighters use to extinguish fires.
Our wholesaler offers products that firefighters from voluntary but also state fire brigades use. We have a long-standing relationship with the fire brigades, which we support with the products they need for their work. Some time ago, we had the pleasure of hosting a OSP LUBOŃ, where one of the firefighters working there told us about the necessary fire fittings.
What is a hydrant used for?
The most important piece of fittings needed during firefighting is the hydrant. They are used not only to extinguish fires, but also to fill fire engines. In the event of a fire, a hydrant provides sufficient firefighting water. Access to hydrants should be quick and easy, as TIME counts when fighting a fire! At a hydrant it is compulsory to have information platewhich enables a hydrant to be located quickly.
Types of hydrants:
The main division of hydrants is between external and internal hydrants, as well as garden hydrants. External hydrants are divided into:
above ground hydrant- The column-shaped hydrant is located above ground. It has a closed hydrant valve which must be opened with a special key. The advantage of this hydrant is easy access, which is particularly important in the event of a fire.
underground hydrant- is located in an underground chamber with a box
street hydrant system.
internal hydrant- This is usually a white or red metal box. Inside it is a fire hose, a water shut-off valve with a storz connector and a hydrant nozzle that is permanently connected to the hose. It can be found in public buildings and workplaces. The hydrant is connected to the external water supply system.
garden hydrant- enables proper water intake directly from the water mains.

External hydrant.

Internal hydrant.
What to open a hydrant with?
As mentioned above, special keys are used to properly open hydrant valves or gate valves. To allow water to flow from the water mains, firefighters use professional spanner to the gate valve. The gate valve is located on the ground and a street box is placed above it. This key is easy to use as it has handles to turn the valve. In order to attach the fire hose to the hydrant, use the hydrant and socket spanner.

Key for gate valves and hydrants.
Did you know?
Taking water on your own from a hydrant is illegal! Such unlawful conduct may even end up in court and with a fine.
Characteristics of firefighting hoses.
To draw water from a hydrant you need a fire hose, which are also used in construction or installation work. They differ in the material they are made of and their internal diameter. Suction hoses are used to draw in water and also foam agent. The pressurised hoses are used to pump water and aqueous foaming agent solutions. These hoses are fitted with a storz connector for connection to a hydrant.
Water jet- the last element of the firefighting line.
The device at the very end of the firefighting line is the nozzle. Like the other components, the nozzle plays a key role in firefighting. The most commonly used extinguishing agent is water, hence water nozzles are very popular. These nozzles have an adjustable nozzle, which determines the shape of the jet.
Fire fittings make up a great many important components used during firefighting. When we pass hydrants on the street, we remember their function. Let's not vandalise them or take water from them on our own!
We encourage you to view video with the participation of TSO LUBOŃ, where one of the firefighters discusses fire fittings.
We invite all units of both TSO and PSP to work together.