Probably everyone has heard the peculiar noises running from sewer pipes. The flowing domestic sewage can be an irritant to the ear causing discomfort. Peace of mind and safety are important for building users...
Water is essential to everyone's life. We use it every day for drinking, washing, bathing, watering the garden or washing the car. Have you ever wondered how much water one person uses on average per day?....
Only now, if you like our fanpage on Facebook, you will receive 10 PLN for shopping in our online shop! Why should you like our profile? You will be kept up to date: with promotions with news from...
When constructing pipelines and sanitary installations, it is essential to protect them against pipeline freezing. This protection is crucial to guarantee the durability of the pipeline and the safety of the buildings and structures through which the pipeline...
You keep noticing limescale deposits on your taps, dishes. Your liquid foams poorly, you add more. Your laundry needs more powder added. Ubiquitous limescale requires the use of additional agents....
Pumpfix F non-return valve Kessel - effective protection against flooding
via Specialist CetelSewage accessoriesAverage rating 4.4 / 5. 29
There is nothing worse than having your home flooded. Have you not adequately protected your home? Ineffective flood protection can be grounds for an insurer to refuse to pay a claim. A complete lack of protection such as a non-return valve ...
How does the linear property drainage work and how to choose it ?
via Specialist CetelLinear drainsAverage rating 3.8 / 5. 5
In order to prevent rainwater flooding of the property and the associated property damage, rainwater drainage should be planned via a linear drainage system. This applies to any property, especially those with a large area of surface ...
Which septic tank to choose - advantages and disadvantages of plastic, concrete and ecological septic tanks
via Specialist CetelExternal drainsSite developmentAverage rating 4.2 / 5. 5
A septic tank is undoubtedly the ideal solution for households without a sewer connection. It usually comes in the form of a plastic or concrete sealed container buried in the ground. Increasingly popular...
What kind of tie to drill in water mains?
via Specialist CetelExternal drainsWaterworksAverage rating 3.7 / 5. 3
What kind of tie to drill into a water main? The construction of water mains requires an efficient and easy-to-follow method of connecting connections to the existing main. Such advantages characterise the making of connections using...
Access to the water mains is essential for the proper functioning of every household. Even before construction begins, it is important to figure out how to connect the water mains. It is also necessary to complete the necessary formalities and plan...